If you are reading this post, it is The Star card and here's what I have to say:
The Present Situation (The Star): The Star is a card of hope, inspiration, and guidance. It suggests that your workplace is currently experiencing a period of positivity and hope, and that there is a sense of direction and guidance that is helping everyone move forward.
The Immediate Challenge (The Hierophant): The Hierophant represents tradition, conformity, and authority. It suggests that your workplace may be struggling with issues related to following established rules, adhering to established practices, or dealing with authority figures.
The Root Cause (The High Priestess): The High Priestess represents intuition, mystery, and hidden knowledge. It suggests that the root cause of the workplace's current challenges may be related to a lack of understanding or awareness of certain factors that are influencing the situation.
The Recent Past (The Empress): The Empress represents abundance, creativity, and nurturing. It suggests that your workplace has recently experienced a period of growth and expansion, and that this energy may still be present and influencing the current situation.
The Best Course of Action (The Wheel of Fortune): The Wheel of Fortune represents change, cycles, and the ups and downs of life. It suggests that the best course of action for your workplace is to be open to change and to embrace the natural ebb and flow of the situation.
Overall, the tarot cards suggest that your workplace is in a positive and hopeful period, but that there may be challenges related to following established practices and dealing with authority figures. The root cause of these challenges may be related to a lack of understanding or awareness of certain factors. The best course of action is to be open to change and to embrace the natural cycles of the situation.
#mystikcoach #tarotreading #tarot #workplace #hope #challenges #awareness #embrace #cycles #inspiration #situation